Day 8

10 Day Freedom Challenge

Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and unsearchable things you do not yet know.”


Need to review the Day 7 Challenge? Fight!

Total time needed to complete today’s challenges:
10 min for video and reading +
80 min of challenges

Welcome to Day 8: Transformation by renewal

I found that renewing the mind not only came from hiding God’s Word in my heart but by meditation in worship.

Soak in His presence

During this 10-minute set, go ahead and soak in Biblical worship music that fixes your eyes on Jesus. It’s not a time to jam out to your latest Top 10 list, but to let the beauty of His presence overwhelm you. Plug into lyrics and songs that lift Him up so you can experience the amazing promise that “if we lift Him up, He will draw all men (that’s you!) to Himself.”

Don’t be distracted.

Write down the songs, and the lyrics, that jump out to you in this time.

But you need to read two articles before doing so – which will help you today, and the next few days when you add this RENEW set to your prayer time:

First, I want to challenge you about what “new” looks like with this article. The reality is that Jesus purchased “a new heart and a new mind” (check out how much The Bible has to say about ‘new hearts’ and ‘new minds’) and doesn’t simply want to clean up our old one.

Secondly, read through this article on how God shifted my perspective in worship to align with what The Word says… and I challenge you to become more “comfortable being uncomfortable” in your pursuit of the Lord in worship as you renew your mind! Check it out here…. then get started on because there are 7 segments today before you get to encounter Jesus in this 8th “renew” encounter.

Don’t give up brother! “Seek and keep seeking…” (Matt 7:7) “I will show you great an unsearchable things you do not yet know!” (Jer 33:3)

  1. B – be still
  2. R – repent
  3. O – open
  4. K – king
  5. E – examine
  6. N – new song
  7. F – fight!
  8. R – renew

“It’s not about a program – it’s a pursuit… with a promise. As we gaze on Him, we become like Him. He is the perfecter. If we keep knocking, He will answer…”

Before you start your day – we have a few questions:

We are praying for you as you embrace this day - that the Lord would open the eyes of your heart, and that He would allow you to find or create 10-minute segments in your day to do the challenge!!

Want more Broken Free?

If you want to be challenged with truth, and encouraged about the reality of freedom – then sign up for our emails. We will periodically send you an email making you aware of upcoming events, gatherings, new articles, live videos, and resources to turn to eyes to Jesus.

But just as joining a gym won’t make you healthy – simply signing up won’t change anything unless you dig in, dig deep, prayerfully consider what is sent, and apply truth to your life!

Sign up. I dare you.